
How to quit the job you hate

Would you like me to help you to get away from the job you hate? Would you like to find your dream career where you feel valued and have time for the things that are really important to you, and do all of this in 90 days – for Free?

Your Situation

The Problem

Eighty five percent of people are not happy in their job with half of these actually hating what they do. Are you satisfied to be one of the 85% and remain unhappy?

  • Do you feel undervalued and not appreciated by your boss?
  • Are you restricted from using the skills you are good at?
  • Do you frequently feel like you are just a number and not recognized for your true qualities?
  • Does it seem like you are being left behind and walked on by others who use you as a stepping stone to climb the corporate ladder.


Numerous articles have written with the theme that “People don’t leave jobs; they leave people”.  With these issues to the fore, it is not surprising that so many people feel totally deflated by their job.  Isn’t it sad that so many spend all week at work looking forward to the weekend, can’t wait for Friday and spend all weekend dreading returning to work on Monday? 

Reasons to Stay in a Job You Hate

In spite of all of this unhappiness at work, most people stay in a job they hate for many reasons. Do any of these seem relevant for you?

  • Do you feel trapped due to financial or other reasons?
  • Perhaps you feel you are not qualified for any other job
  • Maybe you have thought about tackling the issues but you just do not know what you want to do or where to start
  • Change is always challenging so you might feel unsure about what will happen if you leave the comfort of your current job for the unknown
  • You have already put a lot into your current job and company and feel you shouldn’t leave all of this behind


Whether we like it or not, unhappiness at work has a negative impact on our private and personal lives, not to mention what it does to our physical and mental health. While the reasons described above are legitimate reasons for remaining in a less than ideal job, don’t you owe it to yourself to at least explore what is possible.

Your Dream Career

You dream of finding a job where you are really happy but you wonder if this is possible at all.  You want to use the skills and talents you have and know you are good at.  You at least want to be of service to others in some way.   You want to feel valued and appreciated by the people you serve, your manager and employer.  Maybe you even want to start your own business and be your own boss.  While circumstances in your current job have knocked back your confidence, deep down you know you can be much better and be more successful.  You feel you just need the right opportunity

But Where Do You Start?

How do you get to where you want to go from where you are now?  How do you figure out where to start and what to do first?  This is particularly difficult when you don’t even know what you want. Most employment agencies and jobs websites seem to be interested in filling positions so they get paid by the employer.  They don’t seem to care whether you are happy in your new role or not.  Many career advisers seem to send job seekers back to more of what they want to get away from.  While there is lots of great advice out there, the problem is there is so much information available, it is difficult to know which part of it is relevant for you? 

The Secret–Unique Approach for You

In reality, the secret is that no one-size-fits-all. You are unique with your own talents, abilities and strengths.  You had dreams in the past that have been probably long forgotten.  The challenges you encountered along the way have helped shape you into what you are today, both the good and not so good.  That is why you need an approach that is uniquely tailored to you. 

That’s why this “Career Discovery Call” is so important.

Benefits of Attending this Free Call

During this call I will guide you to produce a clearly laid out Career Plan

The call is about you. It is not about jobs or the jobs market. It will help you:

  • identify what is right for you
  • uncover what you really want from your career
  • clarify what is actually holding you back so that you understand what you need to overcome so that you can move forward
  • map out the step-by-step process you need to follow so that you can find your dream job or start your own business.

This plan is based on a proven system. This is the system I used to help get me away from a job I was in for 28 years


Here is what one person had to say after taking the Discovery Call:

Sarah:  I took up Frank’s offer to do a Career Discovery Call. This was such an eye opener and really helpful. Frank was really concerned and interested in the issues I was having. He was so understanding about my concerns. I have been unhappy in my job for many years. I really felt trapped, feeling I could not leave my job for many reasons. But my job was just getting me down. I did not know where to start when thinking of changing. However, during the call, Frank helped clarify where the real problems existed in my career. He then helped me lay out a clear step by step path to figuring out what is right for me and then how to get that job. I am now much clearer on the journey I need to go through and look forward to taking this journey.

Why am I willing to do this call for free?

  • Firstly, I do what I do as I believe we are all entitled to find work where we are happy and feel valued and appreciated for our contribution. I want to help as many people as possible find joy in their work so that they get to experience the real joys of life. I spent many years stressed out about many aspects of my job before eventually facing my fears making changes. Now I want to help you do the same as it helps me live true to my purpose and I get great satisfaction when I see others experiencing the rewards.
  • Secondly, this is one way I get clients. The process I use to create a plan for you will give me a chance to really get to know you.  It also gives you a chance to get to know me and how I think and what I do. Some of the people that accept my offer to do this Discovery Call and create a plan, want to work with me and employ me to help them put their plan into action.

    So, you come away with an action plan that helps you.  I get to do something that that is really rewarding by helping you and giving you a lot of value up front. Everyone gets to experience what I do and even if they do not employ me, they regularly send their friends to me. This means I do not need to do any chasing or hard selling to find clients.

Here is What Happens During the Call

When we meet, here is what to expect.  Our aim is to create your career plan.  To do that we will perform a three-step strategic planning process I use with all my clients:

  1. Together, we will assess your goals and visions for your career. Don’t worry if you are not clear on what those are right now. That is quite common for people like you. This call will help you clarify what they are.
  2. We will assess what is preventing you from achieving these goals.
  3. We will create a customized plan so that you can overcome those challenges and reach your goals. This will clarify for you, what you must do to find that job of your dreams, that aligns with who you are, so that you can end up doing what you love to do.

At this point, you can either take the plan and implement it on your own.  Or, if you prefer my help to ensure your success, we can discuss those details.

The way I work with clients

When working with clients, we meet regularly as agreed with the client. 

  • I provide some training to help you make progress. I share with you some tips, tools and worksheets to enable you get to where you want to go.
  • Together, we work on your career vision. We convert that vision into long-term and medium-term goals.  We then break down those goals into smaller achievable goals or milestones.
  • As you implement these goals, I offer you the support you need along the way. We review how previously set goals are progressing.  Through this process, over time you get to achieve the outcome you want.

Have no fears

Our primary aim for this call is to create your career plan.  Creating that plan puts no obligation on you to join any of the Job Changer programmes. 

  • I want to assure you that this is a real strategic coaching call, based on the very same process I use with my clients. It is designed to create a plan you can actually implement to pursue the career of your dreams.
  • The only obligation you have is to show up, work with me on the call, be honest, so we craft a plan that will really work for you.
  • Once you have your plan, if you want to know more about how Job Changer programmes can help you, and if I think it is something that would help you, we can discuss the details. If you just prefer to take the plan and do it yourself, that’s perfectly ok too.

Who is This Call Suitable For?

Unfortunately, I can’t talk to everyone.  However, I allocate a limited number of appointments for these free calls each week to talk to people who are genuinely motivated and ready to tackle their career.  I want to work with people whom I can actually help. To check if you are likely to benefit from this call, please answer the questions below for yourself.  If you can honestly answer yes to all of these questions, I am confident you can achieve great results from taking part in this call. 

Can you honestly answer yes to these questions?

  • Are you passionate about addressing your career challenges?
  • Are you fully committed to finding a solution to your career challenges?
  • Are you prepared to commit to figure out what is right for you?
  • Are you open-minded to new suggestions and to being guided through coaching?
  • Are you willing to at least try new things, even if they initially feel uncomfortable, to see how they work for you?
  • Are you willing to put in a consistent effort for up to 3 months to get what you want?
  • Are you willing to invest in yourself financially?

How to Make an Appointment

If after reading through the details thus far, you see yourself as someone whom I could help and you are ready to get started creating clarity around what you want from your career, you should now make an appointment. I have allocated a limited number of hours over the next week on my calendar to help people create their Career Plan. These will be allocated on a first come first served basis.  Once they’re booked, they’re gone. 

Here is how to request your appointment:

  1. Click the link below. You will be taken to an application page where you will be asked a few simple questions.
  2. Please fill this in as honestly as possible. Your answers will help me prepare for the call with you and assess how I can actually help you. It will make our time together much more productive.
  3. Once you have answered the questions, click link the at the bottom of the form.
  4. You will be then taken to my online calendar. There you will see the dates and times of available slots for these free sessions. Select a slot that suits you best and the appointment date and time you selected will be confirmed.
  5. You will get an email to confirm your appointment. This will also contain a Zoom link which you will need for access to our meeting.  You just click when it comes to the time for the meeting. 

I will review the information you provided before our meeting.  If for some reason, I feel I can’t help you at this point, I’ll let you know and give you any recommendations I may have for your current next step.

Here is the link to book your appointment.


If you find you can’t keep your appointment, please refer to your confirmation email for instruction on cancelling an appointment. (Please don’t just miss your appointment without cancelling. It allows me offer the appointment to someone else or to get on with some other work.)If you have booked the call, I look forward to meeting you.

Warm Regards,

Frank Hynes

Career Coach and Owner of Job Changer

So go ahead and 

About Frank Hynes and his programmes

Frank helps people find work they truly love and are passionate about. He believes you should not settle for or accept conditions and circumstances at work where you do not feel valued, appreciated or fulfilled.  Frank believes you should strive to find work where you can truly flourish and be happy. He aims to to empower you to do what inspires you.

Frank is the founder Frank Hynes Coaching and CEO of a business called Job Changer. He helps people find work they truly love and are passionate about. The first step is figuring out what you want from your career, would love to do and will be good at. The next step is to get that job or set up in self-employment.

Frank works with people from all career areas who want to change their current work situation.  Clients include people currently in work but who are looking for something more inspiring and rewarding where they feel their contribution is truly valued.

Frank can be contacted by e-mail    frank@jobchanger.ie       or by phone 00353872832761.

 To claim your Career Discovery Call for Free, click the link above now.

Frank spent 28 years working in the public sector changing roles many times. He is a highly trained and experienced trainer. He holds numerous qualifications including a Master’s degree, a number of Graduate Diplomas including Leadership Development and Coaching. 

He spent several years figuring out what he wanted to do. He now will show you how to figure this out for yourself literally in a matter of weeks by following a proven step by step process. He is married to Teresa and has 4 children.



JOSEPH : I heard Frank speak on career change and various life issues on a number of occasions. I recently hit a crisis point in my career. I realized I had lost my way and needed to do something to get me back on track. But I did not know where to start. When I got the chance to do a Career Discovery Call with Frank it was a no brainer. During the call I got much clearer on the steps I needed to take. I have asked Frank to help me and I joined one of his programmes. I am only a few weeks into the 90-day programme and I feel I already have got more than the full value from working with Frank.  I highly recommend to you as a start, to do Career Discovery Call and see for yourself the benefits you can get from working with Frank.

CONOR :  I really enjoyed the training/workshop. I found it very beneficial. Everything that was discussed was very relevant. I will now be looking at changing my career as an enjoyable journey rather than a daunting task.

MARIE : I loved these workshops. Every step that needs to be taken in order to get you to the career that is actually right for you is explained to you in great detail. It is made personal to you. You have time to think and take notes. While there was opportunity to share and contribute your own situation, there was no pressure to do so. I loved how everything was explained in detail and there was a logical flow from one section to the next.

AISLING : I feel a lot more knowledgeable and confident now in what is needed of me to pursue another career. I feel more confident in doing so. This programme has given me a much more positive outlook on changing jobs.